How can we help you? 215-393-4943

How can we help you?

Vocational Services

Vocational rehabilitation counseling can be another link between you and everyday functioning in the world.

If you have a disability, you may feel isolated from the world going on around you. You may have questions as to “What can I do”, or “Where do I begin”. Alternatively, you may have a clear goal in mind yet still have questions about how to proceed.

The goal of rehabilitation counseling is to help you overcome certain barriers, assessing your abilities and needs, setting goals, and helping you develop strategies to address the obstacles you encounter as you take this journey to seek employment and long term financial stability.

I am a vocational rehabilitation counselor and I help people with disabilities plan careers. My background is in counseling theory and technique, including career counseling and assessment; an understanding of the psychosocial and medical aspects of disability, skills in case management, knowledge of available resources, and planning; and knowledge of technological adaptations.

How can I help you? Please explore the services listed below.

My Services



Vocational assessment is the process of evaluating an individual’s abilities, skills, and interests in relation to their potential success in a specific career or occupation. The goal is to identify your strengths and areas for improvement in order to make informed career decisions.



Career counseling is the process of providing guidance and support to individuals as they make career decisions and navigate the job market. The purpose is to help the individual find a fulfilling and satisfying career suited to their strengths and interests.

Case Management

Case Management

Vocational case management is a process of providing support and guidance to individuals who are seeking employment or career training. Case management involves coordination of necessary vocational services to help you achieve your goals.



Vocational consulting is a process of providing guidance and support to organizations and individuals in the areas of career development and workforce planning. The goal is to help organizations and individuals achieve their goals related to career development and workforce planning.

Ticket to Work

Ticket to Work

The Ticket to Work program is a federal program designed to help individuals with disabilities who receive Social Security disability benefits (SSDI or SSI) to enter, or return to, the workforce. The goal of is to provide individuals with the support they need to return to work.

Do you have questions about which vocational rehabilitiation services you need?
Please reach out!

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